Durham Music Resources, Durham Guitar Shops, Durham Recording Studios, Durham Rehearsal Space, Live bands and Live Music Venues @ County Durham
Durham Music Resources, Durham Guitar Shops, Durham Recording Studios, Durham Rehearsal Space, Live bands and Live Music Venues @ County Durham
Here are some very helpful and useful links for anyone living in and around the County Durham area who also just so happen to be musically inclined in some way or form whether that be listening, performing or both. Here is my definitive list of shout outs to the people who are helping to keep alive Durham's music scene... Hoo flippin Rar and a happy rock face...

Here are some very helpful and useful links for anyone living in and around the County Durham area who also just so happen to be musically inclined in some way or form whether that be listening, performing or both. Here is my definitive list of shout outs to the people who are helping to keep alive Durham's music scene... Hoo flippin Rar and a happy rock face...

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Labels: County Durham, Durham Guitar Shops, Durham Music Resources, Durham Recording Studios, Durham Rehearsal Space, Live bands, Live Music Venues
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