Bright Eyes
Here is Bright Eyes, live @ Gluefactory.
"My chief told me to defend this run..."
Bright Eyes was written by Mike Batt and originally performed by Art Garfunkel - who apparently didn't think much of the song (???!) - and features prominently on the film, Watership Down, which I believe to be the best version of Bright Eyes anywhere in existance. Art Garfunkel's single is a tad cheesy but his voice combined with the film's score leaves you with some spine tingling results.
I've never been one for including alot of covers within a live set, but as a result of watching Watership Down obsessively as a child, I've continued to hold much fondess for Bright Eyes. A few years ago a friend and I went through some messed up thing of watching it almost every weekend to the point where every line in the film somehow became comical. I suppose it's just one of these films that I just have to revisit every now and then.
Unfortunately whilst uploading my version of Bright Eyes to youtube I happened upon an extremely disturbing thing. I refuse to link to it due to my utter disgust, so I'll just leave you with two words. "Cliff" and "Richard" - Oh my word, I almost projectile vomited onto the computer screen. What a vile man! I seriously could not stomach past the first 10 seconds. As if the remake of Watership Down wasn't already bad enough!
Girl From Winter Jargon

Labels: bright eyes, girl from winter jargon, mike batt, there's a dog loose in the wood, watership down, winter jargon
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