"Window" by Winter Jargon
I just thought I would upload this video in an attempt to help it reach 1000 views. (It's currently in the 900's as I type)
For all it might be poor quality and a bit rubbish, there's always something to be said for a skeleton keyring what spins and dances repeatedly in a car.
Those who cannot appreciate it must be spineless or something. Or perhaps they just don't have any body to be with... ? Eeeeeeeh. Did you see what I did there? ;)
If you're into the whole youtube thing, please do leave a comment... http://www.youtube.com/winterjargon
Please do also feel free to have a listen to Window in it's fullness...
That will be all for now....
Thank you kindly.
Labels: window "winter jargon" skeleton jack dancing spinning keyring video youtube
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